Hasan's Blog

Display DICOM metadata on the terminal


Here is a quick guide on how to view the metadata of DICOM files without leaving the terminal.

What is DICOM

DICOM is a file format used in the medical field. The file is similar to “PNG” but it usually has more metadata associated with it.

What is a terminal file-manager?

A terminal file-manager is an app that makes navigating the terminal easier. Instead of writing multiple cd commands we can use the arrow keys to move around. I found two file-managers, “Ranger” and “nnn” and in this post we will cover setting up Ranger to preview DICOM file metadata on the fly.

Configuring Ranger

After downloading the app, head over to ~/.config/ranger then open rc.conf and paste these lines:

set use_preview_script true
set preview_script ~/.config/ranger/scope.sh

and create a scope.sh file then copy this sample scope.sh into it:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

set -o noclobber -o noglob -o nounset -o pipefail

## If the option `use_preview_script` is set to `true`,

## then this script will be called and its output will be displayed in ranger.

## ANSI color codes are supported.

## STDIN is disabled, so interactive scripts won't work properly

## This script is considered a configuration file and must be updated manually.

## It will be left untouched if you upgrade ranger.

## Because of some automated testing we do on the script #'s for comments need

## to be doubled up. Code that is commented out, because it's an alternative for

## example, gets only one #.

## Meanings of exit codes:

## code | meaning | action of ranger

## -----+------------+-------------------------------------------

## 0 | success | Display stdout as preview

## 1 | no preview | Display no preview at all

## 2 | plain text | Display the plain content of the file

## 3 | fix width | Don't reload when width changes

## 4 | fix height | Don't reload when height changes

## 5 | fix both | Don't ever reload

## 6 | image | Display the image `$IMAGE_CACHE_PATH` points to as an image preview

## 7 | image | Display the file directly as an image

## Script arguments

FILE_PATH="${1}"         # Full path of the highlighted file
PV_WIDTH="${2}" # Width of the preview pane (number of fitting characters)

## shellcheck disable=SC2034 # PV_HEIGHT is provided for convenience and unused

PV_HEIGHT="${3}"         # Height of the preview pane (number of fitting characters)
IMAGE_CACHE_PATH="${4}" # Full path that should be used to cache image preview
PV_IMAGE_ENABLED="${5}" # 'True' if image previews are enabled, 'False' otherwise.

FILE_EXTENSION_LOWER="$(printf "%s" "${FILE_EXTENSION}" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')"

## Settings

SQLITE_TABLE_LIMIT=20 # Display only the top <limit> tables in database, set to 0 for no exhaustive preview (only the sqlite_master table is displayed).
SQLITE_ROW_LIMIT=5 # Display only the first and the last (<limit> - 1) records in each table, set to 0 for no limits.

handle_dicom() {
local filepath="$1"
python3 - <<EOF
import sys
import pydicom

filepath = "$filepath"
dataset = pydicom.dcmread(filepath)

handle_extension() {
        ## Archive
            atool --list -- "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
bsdtar --list --file "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
            exit 1;;
            ## Avoid password prompt by providing empty password
            unrar lt -p- -- "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
exit 1;;
7z) ## Avoid password prompt by providing empty password
7z l -p -- "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
exit 1;;

        ## PDF
            ## Preview as text conversion
            pdftotext -l 10 -nopgbrk -q -- "${FILE_PATH}" - | \
              fmt -w "${PV_WIDTH}" && exit 5
            mutool draw -F txt -i -- "${FILE_PATH}" 1-10 | \
              fmt -w "${PV_WIDTH}" && exit 5
            exiftool "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
            exit 1;;

        ## BitTorrent
            transmission-show -- "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
            exit 1;;

        ## OpenDocument
            ## Preview as text conversion
            odt2txt "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
            ## Preview as markdown conversion
            pandoc -s -t markdown -- "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
            exit 1;;
            ## Preview as text conversion (unsupported by pandoc for markdown)
            odt2txt "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
            exit 1;;

        ## XLSX
            ## Preview as csv conversion
            ## Uses: https://github.com/dilshod/xlsx2csv
            xlsx2csv -- "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
            exit 1;;

        ## HTML
            ## Preview as text conversion
            w3m -dump "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
            lynx -dump -- "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
            elinks -dump "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
            pandoc -s -t markdown -- "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5

        ## JSON
            jq --color-output . "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
            python -m json.tool -- "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5

        ## Jupyter Notebooks
            jupyter nbconvert --to markdown "${FILE_PATH}" --stdout | env COLORTERM=8bit bat --color=always --style=plain --language=markdown && exit 5
            jupyter nbconvert --to markdown "${FILE_PATH}" --stdout && exit 5
            jq --color-output . "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
            python -m json.tool -- "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5

        ## Direct Stream Digital/Transfer (DSDIFF) and wavpack aren't detected
        ## by file(1).
            mediainfo "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
            exiftool "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
            ;; # Continue with next handler on failure

        ## for dcm files
            handle_dicom "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5


handle_image() { ## Size of the preview if there are multiple options or it has to be ## rendered from vector graphics. If the conversion program allows ## specifying only one dimension while keeping the aspect ratio, the width ## will be used.
local DEFAULT_SIZE="1920x1080"

    local mimetype="${1}"
    case "${mimetype}" in
        ## SVG
            rsvg-convert --keep-aspect-ratio --width "${DEFAULT_SIZE%x*}" "${FILE_PATH}" -o "${IMAGE_CACHE_PATH}.png" \
                && mv "${IMAGE_CACHE_PATH}.png" "${IMAGE_CACHE_PATH}" \
                && exit 6
            exit 1;;

        ## DjVu
            ddjvu -format=tiff -quality=90 -page=1 -size="${DEFAULT_SIZE}" \
                  - "${IMAGE_CACHE_PATH}" < "${FILE_PATH}" \
                  && exit 6 || exit 1;;

        ## Image
            local orientation
            orientation="$( identify -format '%[EXIF:Orientation]\n' -- "${FILE_PATH}" )"
            ## If orientation data is present and the image actually
            ## needs rotating ("1" means no rotation)...
            if [[ -n "$orientation" && "$orientation" != 1 ]]; then
                ## ...auto-rotate the image according to the EXIF data.
                convert -- "${FILE_PATH}" -auto-orient "${IMAGE_CACHE_PATH}" && exit 6

            ## `w3mimgdisplay` will be called for all images (unless overridden
            ## as above), but might fail for unsupported types.
            exit 7;;

        ## Video
        # video/*)
        #     # Get embedded thumbnail
        #     ffmpeg -i "${FILE_PATH}" -map 0:v -map -0:V -c copy "${IMAGE_CACHE_PATH}" && exit 6
        #     # Get frame 10% into video
        #     ffmpegthumbnailer -i "${FILE_PATH}" -o "${IMAGE_CACHE_PATH}" -s 0 && exit 6
        #     exit 1;;

        ## Audio
        # audio/*)
        #     # Get embedded thumbnail
        #     ffmpeg -i "${FILE_PATH}" -map 0:v -map -0:V -c copy \
        #       "${IMAGE_CACHE_PATH}" && exit 6;;

        ## PDF
        # application/pdf)
        #     pdftoppm -f 1 -l 1 \
        #              -scale-to-x "${DEFAULT_SIZE%x*}" \
        #              -scale-to-y -1 \
        #              -singlefile \
        #              -jpeg -tiffcompression jpeg \
        #              -- "${FILE_PATH}" "${IMAGE_CACHE_PATH%.*}" \
        #         && exit 6 || exit 1;;

        ## ePub, MOBI, FB2 (using Calibre)
        # application/epub+zip|application/x-mobipocket-ebook|\
        # application/x-fictionbook+xml)
        #     # ePub (using https://github.com/marianosimone/epub-thumbnailer)
        #     epub-thumbnailer "${FILE_PATH}" "${IMAGE_CACHE_PATH}" \
        #         "${DEFAULT_SIZE%x*}" && exit 6
        #     ebook-meta --get-cover="${IMAGE_CACHE_PATH}" -- "${FILE_PATH}" \
        #         >/dev/null && exit 6
        #     exit 1;;

        ## Font
            preview_png="/tmp/$(basename "${IMAGE_CACHE_PATH%.*}").png"
            if fontimage -o "${preview_png}" \
                         --pixelsize "120" \
                         --fontname \
                         --pixelsize "80" \
                         --text "  ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ  " \
                         --text "  abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz  " \
                         --text "  0123456789.:,;(*!?') ff fl fi ffi ffl  " \
                         --text "  The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.  " \
                convert -- "${preview_png}" "${IMAGE_CACHE_PATH}" \
                    && rm "${preview_png}" \
                    && exit 6
                exit 1

        ## Preview archives using the first image inside.
        ## (Very useful for comic book collections for example.)
        # application/zip|application/x-rar|application/x-7z-compressed|\
        #     application/x-xz|application/x-bzip2|application/x-gzip|application/x-tar)
        #     local fn=""; local fe=""
        #     local zip=""; local rar=""; local tar=""; local bsd=""
        #     case "${mimetype}" in
        #         application/zip) zip=1 ;;
        #         application/x-rar) rar=1 ;;
        #         application/x-7z-compressed) ;;
        #         *) tar=1 ;;
        #     esac
        #     { [ "$tar" ] && fn=$(tar --list --file "${FILE_PATH}"); } || \
        #     { fn=$(bsdtar --list --file "${FILE_PATH}") && bsd=1 && tar=""; } || \
        #     { [ "$rar" ] && fn=$(unrar lb -p- -- "${FILE_PATH}"); } || \
        #     { [ "$zip" ] && fn=$(zipinfo -1 -- "${FILE_PATH}"); } || return
        #     fn=$(echo "$fn" | python -c "from __future__ import print_function; \
        #             import sys; import mimetypes as m; \
        #             [ print(l, end='') for l in sys.stdin if \
        #               (m.guess_type(l[:-1])[0] or '').startswith('image/') ]" |\
        #         sort -V | head -n 1)
        #     [ "$fn" = "" ] && return
        #     [ "$bsd" ] && fn=$(printf '%b' "$fn")
        #     [ "$tar" ] && tar --extract --to-stdout \
        #         --file "${FILE_PATH}" -- "$fn" > "${IMAGE_CACHE_PATH}" && exit 6
        #     fe=$(echo -n "$fn" | sed 's/[][*?\]/\\\0/g')
        #     [ "$bsd" ] && bsdtar --extract --to-stdout \
        #         --file "${FILE_PATH}" -- "$fe" > "${IMAGE_CACHE_PATH}" && exit 6
        #     [ "$bsd" ] || [ "$tar" ] && rm -- "${IMAGE_CACHE_PATH}"
        #     [ "$rar" ] && unrar p -p- -inul -- "${FILE_PATH}" "$fn" > \
        #         "${IMAGE_CACHE_PATH}" && exit 6
        #     [ "$zip" ] && unzip -pP "" -- "${FILE_PATH}" "$fe" > \
        #         "${IMAGE_CACHE_PATH}" && exit 6
        #     [ "$rar" ] || [ "$zip" ] && rm -- "${IMAGE_CACHE_PATH}"
        #     ;;

    # openscad_image() {
    #     TMPPNG="$(mktemp -t XXXXXX.png)"
    #     openscad --colorscheme="${OPENSCAD_COLORSCHEME}" \
    #         --imgsize="${OPENSCAD_IMGSIZE/x/,}" \
    #         -o "${TMPPNG}" "${1}"
    #     mv "${TMPPNG}" "${IMAGE_CACHE_PATH}"
    # }

    case "${FILE_EXTENSION_LOWER}" in
       ## 3D models
       ## OpenSCAD only supports png image output, and ${IMAGE_CACHE_PATH}
       ## is hardcoded as jpeg. So we make a tempfile.png and just
       ## move/rename it to jpg. This works because image libraries are
       ## smart enough to handle it.
       # csg|scad)
       #     openscad_image "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 6
       #     ;;
       # 3mf|amf|dxf|off|stl)
       #     openscad_image <(echo "import(\"${FILE_PATH}\");") && exit 6
       #     ;;
           draw.io -x "${FILE_PATH}" -o "${IMAGE_CACHE_PATH}" \
               --width "${DEFAULT_SIZE%x*}" && exit 6
           exit 1;;


handle_mime() {
local mimetype="${1}"
    case "${mimetype}" in ## RTF and DOC
text/rtf|\*msword) ## Preview as text conversion ## note: catdoc does not always work for .doc files ## catdoc: http://www.wagner.pp.ru/~vitus/software/catdoc/
catdoc -- "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
exit 1;;

        ## DOCX, ePub, FB2 (using markdown)
        ## You might want to remove "|epub" and/or "|fb2" below if you have
        ## uncommented other methods to preview those formats
            ## Preview as markdown conversion
            pandoc -s -t markdown -- "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
            exit 1;;

        ## E-mails
            ## Parsing performed by mu: https://github.com/djcb/mu
            mu view -- "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
            exit 1;;

        ## XLS
            ## Preview as csv conversion
            ## xls2csv comes with catdoc:
            ##   http://www.wagner.pp.ru/~vitus/software/catdoc/
            xls2csv -- "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
            exit 1;;

        ## SQLite
            ## Preview as text conversion
            sqlite_tables="$( sqlite3 "file:${FILE_PATH}?mode=ro" '.tables' )" \
                || exit 1
            [ -z "${sqlite_tables}" ] &&
                { echo "Empty SQLite database." && exit 5; }
            sqlite_show_query() {
                sqlite-utils query "${FILE_PATH}" "${1}" --table --fmt fancy_grid \
                || sqlite3 "file:${FILE_PATH}?mode=ro" "${1}" -header -column
            ## Display basic table information
                sqlite3 "file:${FILE_PATH}?mode=ro" -noheader \
                    'SELECT group_concat(
                        "SELECT """ || name || """ AS tblname,
                                          count(*) AS rowcount
                         FROM " || name,
                        " UNION ALL "
                    FROM sqlite_master
                    WHERE type="table" AND name NOT LIKE "sqlite_%";'
            sqlite_show_query \
                "SELECT tblname AS 'table', rowcount AS 'count',
                    SELECT '(' || group_concat(name, ', ') || ')'
                    FROM pragma_table_info(tblname)
                ) AS 'columns',
                    SELECT '(' || group_concat(
                        upper(type) || (
                            CASE WHEN pk > 0 THEN ' PRIMARY KEY' ELSE '' END
                        ', '
                    ) || ')'
                    FROM pragma_table_info(tblname)
                ) AS 'types'
                FROM (${sqlite_rowcount_query});"
            if [ "${SQLITE_TABLE_LIMIT}" -gt 0 ] &&
               [ "${SQLITE_ROW_LIMIT}" -ge 0 ]; then
                ## Do exhaustive preview
                echo && printf '>%.0s' $( seq "${PV_WIDTH}" ) && echo
                sqlite3 "file:${FILE_PATH}?mode=ro" -noheader \
                    "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master
                    WHERE type='table' AND name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%'
                    LIMIT ${SQLITE_TABLE_LIMIT};" |
                    while read -r sqlite_table; do
                            sqlite3 "file:${FILE_PATH}?mode=ro" -noheader \
                                "SELECT count(*) FROM ${sqlite_table}"
                        if [ "${SQLITE_ROW_LIMIT}" -gt 0 ] &&
                           [ "${SQLITE_ROW_LIMIT}" \
                             -lt "${sqlite_rowcount}" ]; then
                            echo "${sqlite_table} [${SQLITE_ROW_LIMIT} of ${sqlite_rowcount}]:"
                                sqlite3 "file:${FILE_PATH}?mode=ro" -noheader \
                                    "SELECT 'SELECT ' || group_concat(
                                        '''...''', ', '
                                    FROM pragma_table_info(
                            sqlite_show_query \
                                "SELECT * FROM (
                                    SELECT * FROM ${sqlite_table} LIMIT 1
                                UNION ALL ${sqlite_ellipsis_query} UNION ALL
                                SELECT * FROM (
                                    SELECT * FROM ${sqlite_table}
                                    LIMIT (${SQLITE_ROW_LIMIT} - 1)
                                    OFFSET (
                                        - (${SQLITE_ROW_LIMIT} - 1)
                            echo "${sqlite_table} [${sqlite_rowcount}]:"
                            sqlite_show_query "SELECT * FROM ${sqlite_table};"
            exit 5;;

        ## Text
        text/* | */xml)
            ## Syntax highlight
            if [[ "$( stat --printf='%s' -- "${FILE_PATH}" )" -gt "${HIGHLIGHT_SIZE_MAX}" ]]; then
                exit 2
            if [[ "$( tput colors )" -ge 256 ]]; then
                local pygmentize_format='terminal256'
                local highlight_format='xterm256'
                local pygmentize_format='terminal'
                local highlight_format='ansi'
            env HIGHLIGHT_OPTIONS="${HIGHLIGHT_OPTIONS}" highlight \
                --out-format="${highlight_format}" \
                --force -- "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
            env COLORTERM=8bit bat --color=always --style="${BAT_STYLE}" \
                -- "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
            pygmentize -f "${pygmentize_format}" -O "style=${PYGMENTIZE_STYLE}"\
                -- "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
            exit 2;;

        ## DjVu
            ## Preview as text conversion (requires djvulibre)
            djvutxt "${FILE_PATH}" | fmt -w "${PV_WIDTH}" && exit 5
            exiftool "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
            exit 1;;

        ## Image
            ## Preview as text conversion
            # img2txt --gamma=0.6 --width="${PV_WIDTH}" -- "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 4
            exiftool "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
            exit 1;;

        ## Video and audio
        video/* | audio/*)
            mediainfo "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
            exiftool "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
            exit 1;;

        ## ELF files (executables and shared objects)
        application/x-executable | application/x-pie-executable | application/x-sharedlib)
            readelf -WCa "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5
            exit 1;;


handle_fallback() {
echo '----- File Type Classification -----' && file --dereference --brief -- "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 5

MIMETYPE="$( file --dereference --brief --mime-type -- "${FILE_PATH}" )"
if [["${PV_IMAGE_ENABLED}" == 'True']]; then
handle_image "${MIMETYPE}"
handle_mime "${MIMETYPE}"

exit 1

The above file is the default scope.sh with the following parts added to enable previewing DICOM metadata:

  1. The handle_dicom function which uses the Pydicom Python library to open the file and read its metadata.
  2. The dcm case inside handle_extension function

Needless to say that you will need to install Pydicom on your system for this to work, you can do that using PIP or Conda.

This project is maintained by hasan-aga